Thursday, August 30, 2007

So, as my friends and I made our way into the school's cafeteria at lunch the other day we were struck with a problem. There were more students trying to eat than there were seats. We searched and searched, eventually finding a table in the back that had 4 seats around it...there was 6 of us. After we had gathered enough chairs to squeeze all of us at that table I started to look around. What I saw shocked me.

As I looked around, I noticed several booths, just in my general vicinity, that were occupied by one person, just reading a book. At any other time during the day, this would have been perfectly acceptable, but at lunch? No sir. Not when there are people struggling to find ONE open seat for themselves and eat before they have to rush to their next class.

The school has many different venues for studying, many of which are much quieter...such as the library! At lunchtime, the cafeteria is very busy and many conversations are taking place, a why would you want to:
A) Take up a whole booth for yourself when there are single seats.
B) Attempt to read/study when there is a high level of static noise around you.
C) Continue to stay there once you notice that people around you need seats.

Now, I don't have doctorate in ergonomics or anything, but common sense tells me that you shouldn't take up an entire booth for yourself, just so you can read and do that cool little thing where you prop your feet up on the other side.

If you're reading this going "Oh my gosh, that's absurd", then you're right. It's really freaking absurd and it needs to stop. I want my lunch table gosh darnit.



Managed Mischief said...

Whenever that happens, even today, I just ask if I can join them - if they want to talk then thats a great way to meet new people, otherwise you just do your own thing. Its college. Randomness is one of the best things about it. :)

- ashley

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